Destiny: Rise of Iron
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Возрастной ценз
Старше 16 летДата релиза
Destiny: Rise of Iron is the next highly anticipated expansion to the Destiny universe. The wall which stood for centuries along the southern border of Old Russia has collapsed. Fallen mutants now scavenge the tombs of the Golden Age, and the plague they have unearthed in the wastes is more dangerous than even they understand. Join Lord Saladin. Journey into the Plaguelands. Learn the fate of the Iron Lords and stop the growing threat before it is too late.
• New Story Campaign & Quests
• New Armor and Gear
• New Weapons
• New Raid
• Maximum Light Increase
• New Strike
• New Plaguelands Zone & Social Space
• New Crucible Mode & Maps
• New Enemy Faction and Bosses
Requires Destiny game and The Taken King (includes Expansions I & II). Sold separately.
14 GB available hard drive storage space required as of 09.16. Subject to change. After 09.16 visit www.destinythegame.com/size-requirements for current requirements. Additional storage may be required for mandatory updates, setup, and features. Users are responsible for broadband internet access and usage fees. Various elements and functionality of Xbox One Destiny game require Xbox Live subscription, sold separately. Please see www.destinythegame.com for further details. Activision may modify or discontinue online services without notice at any time. Terms and conditions apply.
Using the software constitutes acceptance of the Destiny Software License Agreement available at http://support.activision.com/license and the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy available at www.bungie.net/eula.
Возрастной ценз
Старше 16 лет
Дата релиза
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