
Epic Crime Collection
Код товара:
Возрастной ценз
For ages 10 and upПрисутствуют сцены
Mild ViolenceДата релиза
Marmalade Game StudiosThe Epic Crime Collection Includes:
The Black Adder Resort
Mr. Coral, the manager of the Black Adder resort, has invited all six guests suspected of the murder of Boden “Boddy” Black Jr. to lay-low on his exclusive tropical island. Every guest accepts Coral’s invitation, only to find themselves in the middle of a new murder mystery!
Case Files Revisited
You may have closed the Black Adder resort Case, but the Case Files Revisited will blow it wide open! Two more guests were present when the crime was committed and new layers of evidence have come to light! Revisit the night of Callan Coral’s murder and discover the mysteries surrounding Gray and Hyacinth!
In another reality, six familiar figures receive invitations to an exclusive, luxury wellness resort. But one of them has manifested a murder! Figure out which guest murdered Mr. Bodden “Boddy” Black in this brand-new tale of blackmail and corruption set amidst a tranquil forest.
Eight More Crime Scenes - Coming Soon!
Investigate new murders in nine original Crime Scenes exclusive to the video game. Unravel fresh webs of intrigue and deception. Examine fresh character profiles, with new motives and evidence, and much more besides! With a regular release schedule, you will have more mysteries to solve for years to come!
Возрастной ценз
For ages 10 and up
Присутствуют сцены
Mild Violence
Дата релиза
Marmalade Game Studios
Marmalade Game Studios
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