Immortals of Aveum™ Deluxe Upgrade
Код товара:
Возрастной ценз
For ages 17 and upПрисутствуют сцены
Blood Strong Language ViolenceДата релиза
Electronic ArtsImmortals of Aveum™ Deluxe Upgrade contains the Ancient Relics of Aveum Pack:
- Triarch’s Wrath – can be equipped as either Jak’s red, green, or blue sigil and boosts critical hit damage.
- Immortals Ring – increases Shred against all three colors of magic.
- Ring of Rasharn – increases spell damage for all three colors of magic.
- Aristeyan Ring – boosts Fury damage for all three colors of magic.
- Bracer of the Colossal – bestows increased Armor and Healing Crystal recovery.
- Sky Island Gauntlet – increases Armor and Shield Health, while decreasing Dodge cooldown.
- Dresnyr Lens – increases Spellbreak damage and boosts the overall power of red magic spells.
- Lucian Chain – increases the overall power of blue magic and decreases the cooldown of Lash control spells.
- Vial of the Pentacade – increases the duration of Limpet control spells and boosts overall green magic power.
*Requires Immortals of Aveum™ (sold separately) and all game updates.
Возрастной ценз
For ages 17 and up
Присутствуют сцены
Blood Strong Language Violence
Дата релиза
Electronic Arts
Electronic Arts
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