Project Winter - Blackout
Код товара:
Многопользовательская интернет-играВозрастной ценз
Старше 18 летПрисутствуют сцены
Насилие НаркотикиДата релиза
04.02.2021Hold onto your butts as things get creepy in this Supernatural expansion for Project Winter!
Blackout expansion only:
New Conversion Game Mode
A twist on the classic Traitor vs Survivors game mode, now there is the Demon and Whisperer roles for the Traitor, yes THE traitor. One traitor per game and this game mode focuses on converting Survivors to your team.
Beware of the Demon, this possessed traitor role will forcefully possess downed Survivors and convert them to the Traitor team. Careful when traveling alone!
Opposite to the Demon, the Whisperer will prefer to stick with the group. The Whisperer does not require the survivor to knocked out but rather passively converts multiple survivors without them knowing, until it is too late.
New Survivor Roles
Unlock new Survivor Roles; Medium, Hunter, Padre, and Yeti.
New Map, Items, and Events
A brand new map for the Blackout expansion games. Explore a new, smaller, nighttime map with new special locations, intractable objects, and events.
Limited to those who own the expansion but usable in the main game as well:
New Progression & Survival Drops
Brand new progression tree and Blackout survival drop to purchase which contains spooky cosmetics!
Многопользовательская интернет-игра
Возрастной ценз
Старше 18 лет
Присутствуют сцены
Насилие Наркотики
Дата релиза
Other Ocean Group
Other Ocean Group
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