
The Rumble Fish +
Код товара:
Возможности локальной/сетевой игры
Многопользовательская игра по сети (2-3)Возрастной ценз
Старше 18 летДостижения
Достижения в XboxКоличество игроков
Один игрок'+' means new possibilities...
The arcade version of The Rumble Fish + has returned with new features!
The Rumble Fish, a game developed in 2004 by DIMPS, renown for its smooth animation and deep game mechanics, has returned as The Rumble Fish +, packed with new features.
From online PvP with rollback netcode to a training mode with features such as CPU recording and playback, everything you need as a fighting game lover is here!
Main Game Modes:
Local PvP
Online PvP
New feature: A CPU recording and playback feature has been added as an enemy behavior setting in training mode. Now you can record inputs for CPU and play them back to practice against.
Selecting character colors:
When selecting a character in the character selection screen, you can choose different character colors depending on the button you press (LP, LK, SP, SK, D, START). Default color is LP.
How to play as Greed:
On the character selection screen, input the following command.
1. RIGHT x2 with your cursor on Orville
2. LEFT x1 with your cursor on Typhon
3. LEFT x3 with your cursor on Boyd
4. RIGHT x2 with your cursor on Zen
Finally, press UP and Greed will appear as a selectable character.
The Story:
It is the end of the 20th century... A large-scale natural disaster struck the eastern area of a nation. It wiped out the financial sector and resulted in a staggering loss of life.
At the dawn of the 21st century, the conglomerate PROBE-NEXUS, commonly known as Probe, began reconstruction efforts in that eastern area. Colossal capital and cutting-edge technology was poured into rebuilding it. Skyscrapers that put the old high-rises to shame along with the world's biggest shopping mall and recreational facilities. This was the dazzling birth of a symbol for the new century. It was christened Zone Prime.
And now, in an undeveloped sector of its western block, there was an area known as the slums...
Возможности локальной/сетевой игры
Многопользовательская игра по сети (2-3)
Возрастной ценз
Старше 18 лет
Достижения в Xbox
Количество игроков
Один игрок
Присутствуют сцены
Насилие Секс Брань
Дата релиза
3goo K.K.
3goo K.K.
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* Необязательно давать основной аккаунт, можно создать резервный и сделать его домашним на консоли, в дальнейшем все купленные игры и подписки на резервный аккаунт будут распространятся и на основной.
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