Digerati Horror Bundle
Код товара:
Возрастной ценз
Старше 16 летПрисутствуют сцены
Насилие БраньДата релиза
Digerati DistributionParanautical Activity
Paranautical Activity combines the classic FPS action of games like Doom and Quake, with the randomness and difficulty of modern roguelikes like Binding of Isaac and Spelunky.
Welcome to Uncanny Valley – an unsettling story-driven survival horror where nothing is as it seems. Explore an isolated facility and solve its many mysteries, but be warned: the choices you make have meaningful consequences that will determine your fate. Play through multiple times to reveal all of Uncanny Valley’s darkest secrets.
Slain: Back from Hell.
A heavy metal inspired arcade combat game with stunning pixel art visuals, challenging old school gameplay and gore galore. Plus the most metal soundtrack you've ever heard!
#KILLALLZOMBIES thrusts civilians into a survival arena where a ravenous zombie horde is unleashed to maim and kill in the name of entertainment. #KILLALLZOMBIES is an isometric arena style twin stick shooter with integrated streaming interactions.
Возрастной ценз
Старше 16 лет
Присутствуют сцены
Насилие Брань
Дата релиза
Digerati Distribution
Digerati Distribution
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