
Gleaner Heights
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Старше 18 летДостижения
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Насилие Наркотики Страх Брань'Today is another typical day in Gleaner Heights. I got up, went to the general store, bought some seeds, planted them. Cooked some spaghetti bolognese, went out to chop wood. Milked my cows, fed them too. Got in my boat, went underwater with my diving suit. Found a cave entrance, fought a giant crab, grabbed some treasure. Got back up, went to the showroom for a drink. I think the hotel owner's daughter is throwing funny glances at me. I shouldn't have gifted her that boot I fished out the other day...'
For those of you who are in for the farming...
Grab your trusty tools and transform your farm into the richest field in town! Over 40 crops await for you to discover and plant them!
Tend to your animals, make them happy and collect their produce! Keep them either inside the barn or make fenced perimeters outside to let them graze under the sun!
Lose yourself in a slew of different activities, from fishing to crafting machines and items, from cooking delicious meals with over 110 recipes to upgrading your home and farm buildings!
Make friends with the townsfolk and learn about them and the history of Gleaner Heights! When the time and person is right, choose to have a life together!
Explore the town’s surroundings, discover secret places and hunt creatures! Dig deep into the mines to get precious metal and stones! Sail your very own boat and explore underwater with your diving suit!
Get your hands on over 300 items and wear over 45 unique pieces of clothing and equipment!
For those of you who are in for the mystery...
Witness the double lives of townsfolk, their plottings and betrayals. Help them or destroy them as you see fit.
Discover the haunting past of Gleaner Heights, from its early days to the terrible events that occured just prior to your arrival. Confront the supernatural horror that lurks in the bowels of the earth. Break the cycle of destruction...or inherit it.
Fight powerful creatures guarding lost, forgotten treasures. Dash, roll, shoot arrows - prevail or perish.
Возрастной ценз
Старше 18 лет
Достижения в Xbox
Количество игроков
Один игрок
Присутствуют сцены
Насилие Наркотики Страх Брань
Сохранение прогресса
Облачные сохранения в Xbox
Дата релиза
Emilios Manolidis
Emilios Manolidis
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