Redneck Joe Vs The Swamp Zombies
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Оптимизировано для Xbox Series X|SEmbark on a thrilling and thrilling journey of action and survival with 'Redneck Joe Vs the Swamp Zombies.' In this engaging third-person shooter, you take on the role of brave and fearless Joe, a typical swamp Redneck, whose courage will be tested in the midst of a frightening zombie apocalypse.
The setting is a remote swamp, once peaceful and serene, which has now turned into a true nightmare with the invasion of hordes of zombies and monstrous creatures. Venture through dark, atmospheric environments, facing challenges and dangers around every corner.
To face this supernatural threat, Joe will have a vast arsenal of exclusive weapons, ranging from his classic trebuchet, to flamethrowers, freezing weapons and even a proton backpack! Get ready to wield your weapons masterfully, because the enemy will give no quarter.
However, Joe's bravery is not his only advantage; he will also find bottles of whiskey scattered around the swamp. By collecting them, Joe can regain his energy and avoid being turned into an 'ew' Zombie, providing an incomparable sense of satisfaction as the zombies are launched into the air.
Возрастной ценз
Старше 16 лет
Достижения в Xbox
Количество игроков
Один игрок
Оптимизировано для Xbox Series X|S
Присутствуют сцены
Сохранение прогресса
Облачные сохранения в Xbox
Дата релиза
Cloud5 Studios
Cloud5 Studios
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