Soul Axiom
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Старше 16 летКоличество игроков
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Насилие Страх БраньДата релиза
08.06.2016Soul Axiom is a first-person, story-driven adventure game, set in the beautiful, haunting cyber-world of Elysia. Combining exploration and puzzle solving powers with over 20 hours of gameplay and multiple story endings.
This exclusive version of the game contains Xbox One only content featuring a bonus Chapter and digital art book. The new chapter contains extra locations to explore all packed with puzzles adding an additional two hours of gameplay.
Collect unique hand powers in this compelling cyber-thriller to solve puzzles, manipulate the environment and unlock the path to your adventure. Immerse yourself in a dramatic story with over 40 distinct locations to explore. Take your first steps to paradise by uploading your soul to Elysia, the latest state of the art Digital Soul Provider. Elysia is a sprawling server where your memories and dreams become reality. In Elysia, death has no dominion and life has no boundaries. You will be taken on an intriguing voyage of discovery, through beautiful, haunting locations, facing challenges that will lead you into danger on your mission to unlock your identity, your story, your mystery. Choose your destiny and discover multiple endings as you unravel the mysteries of your digital afterlife.
Возрастной ценз
Старше 16 лет
Количество игроков
Один игрок
Присутствуют сцены
Насилие Страх Брань
Дата релиза
Wales Interactive
Wales Interactive
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