Space Moth Lunar Edition
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Старше 16 летКоличество игроков
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17.11.20211CC Games’ first shoot ’em up returns with totally overhauled visuals, all-new enemies and attacks, a deeper scoring system, remixed soundtrack and fresh player powers. Space Moth: Lunar Edition is the ultimate version of the beloved cult classic.
Vivid visuals: from reworked nocturnal backgrounds to new enemies and particle effects, graphics have been enhanced to give Lunar Edition a distinct style and flair of its own.
Bullet Heaven: enemy attacks have been upgraded using 1CC Games’ custom bullet pattern editor from Star Hunter DX, allowing for intricate kaleidoscopes of death to dodge through!
From Beginner to Pro: Lunar Edition adds a flexible new scoring system, built to both raise the skill ceiling so pros can aim for stratospheric high scores, while lowering the barrier to entry so beginners can jump right in.
Stellar Sounds: to suit the more intense gameplay in Lunar Edition, all of the game’s cuts have been remixed and reinvigorated to get your blood pumping!
Возрастной ценз
Старше 16 лет
Количество игроков
Один игрок
Присутствуют сцены
Дата релиза
Chorus Worldwide Games
Chorus Worldwide Games
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