Ugly Americans: Apocalypsegeddon
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Возрастной ценз
Старше 16 летДата релиза
345 Games / Comedy CentralРазработчик
345 Games / Comedy CentralDiscover the awesomely hilarious world of Ugly Americans and stop the evil plot to bring the end of days! Play online or locally for up to 4 player co-op dual stick shooting action. Play as Leonard (the drunken wizard,) Grimes (the tough cop,) Callie (the hot demon chick,) or Mark (the lucky human) and use their special abilities and the BSU-2000 to annihilate everything in sight.Our friends at the DOI have uncovered a plot to bring about the End of Days and only you can stop it. Level up your heroes, equip them with 30 different weapons, and collect demon babies to boost your abilities as you take on hordes of demons, zombies, man birds and giant (yes giant) boss battles!Unlock a free full episode from the new season, two avatar awards and extra scenes from season 1!
Возрастной ценз
Старше 16 лет
Дата релиза
345 Games / Comedy Central
345 Games / Comedy Central
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