
Pinball FX3 - Sci-Fi Pack
Код товара:
Xbox Play AnywhereВозрастной ценз
Старше 12 летПрисутствуют сцены
Насилие БраньДата релиза
26.09.2017Space travel, supernatural events and gigantic alien machines await in the original and imaginative Sci-Fi Pack!
Included in the three-table pack are 'Mars', 'Paranormal' and 'Earth Defense.'
- As mission commander, you are enlisted to uncover the secrets of Mars as humans set foot on the red planet for the first time in the year 2100. Stabilize gravity, analyze the ancient Martian symbols and deactivate the defenses of the Mysterious Pyramid to make your mission a success.
- Many supernatural events are to be discovered on the Paranormal table, including levitating balls and portals through space-time. Investigate the cube playfield to access four different Multiball Phenomena, or visit a Haunted Mansion to vanquish the ghosts.
- Defend humankind against the retro alien machines and the gigantic, interactive Flip-Bot on Earth Defense. The fate of the world is in your hands!
Xbox Play Anywhere
Возрастной ценз
Старше 12 лет
Присутствуют сцены
Насилие Брань
Дата релиза
Zen Studios
Zen Studios
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