Tennis Elbow 4
Код товара:
Варианты игры на одном экране
Общий или разделенный экранВозможности локальной/сетевой игры
Многопользовательская игра по сети (2-2)Возрастной ценз
Для всех возрастовДостижения
Достижения в XboxTennis Elbow 4 is the successor of Tennis Elbow 2013, acclaimed by many Steam reviewers as the most realistic tennis simulation ever.
TE4 pushes even deeper the realism of the tennis rallies by providing completely rehauled ball, strike & player physics.
Created by and for tennis fans, Tennis Elbow 4 is a tennis simulation with an easy and intuitive learning curve, but with exceptional gameplay depth.
In this tennis game, you'll have to show all your tactical skills, use an iron mind and quick reflexes, as well as a sharp eye to guess the ball trajectories, all of this to choose your next strike wisely.
To beat your opponent, you have the choice between all the possible strikes on a real court, from the safe strike to the acceleration, including the drop shot and the topspin lob.
Because of its numerous difficulty levels, this tennis simulation is designed for all tennis lovers, whether gamepad mashers or keyboard novices. In addition, a visual help system will assist you in aiming the ball and positioning your player. You can turn these options on and off whenever it suits you.
TE4 features one of the most complete World Tour ever made in a tennis video game. With over 3500 players evolving over several decades competing in more than 400 tournaments each year, from the low-rank Junior tournament qualifications to the top-level Pro event finals, both in singles and doubles competition, you’ll feel like diving into a real professional tennis player career.
You can play doubles with 4 human players on 1 computer, but not by LAN or Internet.
Варианты игры на одном экране
Общий или разделенный экран
Возможности локальной/сетевой игры
Многопользовательская игра по сети (2-2)
Возрастной ценз
Для всех возрастов
Достижения в Xbox
Количество игроков
Один игрок
Поддержка кроссплатформы
Кроссплатформенная кооперативная игра в Xbox
Сохранение прогресса
Облачные сохранения в Xbox
Дата релиза
Mana Games
Mana Games
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