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Classified: France '44 - Overlord Edition

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Исполнение заказов с 10.00 до 22.00 МСК
Возрастной ценз
For ages 17 and up
Количество игроков
Single player
Присутствуют сцены
Blood Strong Language Violence
Дата релиза
Все характеристики
Более 4600 отзывов в VK
Все виды оплат
Акции, скидки, подарки
Расширенная гарантия
Техническая поддержка
The Overlord Edition of Classified: France '44 contains: Classified: France '44 Classified: France '44 - Season Pass The Season Pass Includes: DLC 1 - Guerrilla Pack DLC 2 - Agent Pack DLC 3 - Talon Pack DLC 4 - Devils Pack Each DLC contains: Two new Special Ops missions Two new weapons or weapon variants One new clothing set Classified: France ‘44 is a new turn-based strategy game, set in World War II during the desperate months leading up to the Allied invasion of France in June 1944. Take charge of a special-ops team of Allied commandos and French resistance fighters. Recruit elite operatives to build your squad, then engage in a sweeping campaign of sabotage and destruction. Deal with competing factions to build the resistance network and strike at German targets deep in occupied territory. However, the more chaos you cause, the more you’ll draw the merciless attention of the Gestapo secret police. In exciting missions inspired by the exploits of the Allies and French, the game expands on turn-based tactical concepts, bringing authentic World War 2 combat to life. The campaign allows for multiple playthroughs that are different each time. Every Shot Counts. In Classified: France ‘44’s unique morale system, every shot taken affects you or your enemies. Suppress and break your opposition, giving you a brief window to flank your cowering targets and finish them off. Shape the Battle. Use stealth tactics to eliminate key targets and start the fight on your terms. However, the more kills you make, the more enemies will begin to suspect that something's wrong, so be ready to unleash your ambush before they sniff you out! Build your Team. An authentic and characterful mix of heroes will be yours to choose from, each with their own story to tell. Train, customise and equip them with your growing arsenal of skills and weapons. Raise the morale of your team by spending time around the campfire, and learning about their lives as they fight across the war-ravaged fields of occupied France. Experience History. Complete challenging objectives in over 45 missions supplied to your team by the French forces. Choose which missions suit your strategy to grow the resistance and support your ultimate goals. Manage your team by sending them on strategic operations. On to Victory. Classified: France ‘44 is full of challenge. Work out the optimum grand strategy while deploying the best tactical play and discover the game's multiple endings. What will your D-Day look like?


Возрастной ценз
For ages 17 and up
Количество игроков
Single player
Присутствуют сцены
Blood Strong Language Violence
Дата релиза
Вопросов: 0

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