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Immortals of Aveum™ Deluxe Edition

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Исполнение заказов с 10.00 до 22.00 МСК
Возрастной ценз
For ages 17 and up
Графические возможности
Ray Tracing
Количество игроков
Single player
Количество кадров в секунду
60 fps+
Все характеристики
Более 4600 отзывов в VK
Все виды оплат
Акции, скидки, подарки
Расширенная гарантия
Техническая поддержка
Purchase Immortals of Aveum™ Deluxe Edition and get the Ancient Relics of Aveum Pack, containing: - Triarch’s Wrath – can be equipped as either Jak’s red, green, or blue sigil and boosts critical hit damage. - Immortals Ring – increases Shred against all three colors of magic. - Ring of Rasharn – increases spell damage for all three colors of magic. - Aristeyan Ring – boosts Fury damage for all three colors of magic. - Bracer of the Colossal – bestows increased Armor and Healing Crystal recovery. - Sky Island Gauntlet – increases Armor and Shield Health, while decreasing Dodge cooldown. - Dresnyr Lens – increases Spellbreak damage and boosts the overall power of red magic spells. - Lucian Chain – increases the overall power of blue magic and decreases the cooldown of Lash control spells. - Vial of the Pentacade – increases the duration of Limpet control spells and boosts overall green magic power. Immortals of Aveum is a single-player first person magic shooter that tells the story of Jak as he joins an elite order of battlemages to save a world on the edge of abyss. With legions of soldiers on both sides of the Everwar, he must uncover the mysteries of Aveum's troubled past, if there's any hope for saving its future. Master three forces of magic and unleash spells with deadly skill in a game that defies FPS conventions. Be The Battlemage Join the order of Immortals, the champion protectors of Lucium, and become Jak, an elite Triarch Magnus. Master Your Magic Fast, fluid, first person spell-based combat that’s easy to learn and satisfying to master, where players are rewarded for clever chained attacks and well-timed counters. Unleash Your Arsenal of Spells Unlock and upgrade more than 25 spells and 80 talents. Discover, upgrade and craft hundreds of pieces of magical gear to synergize your playstyle across all three forces of magic. Save a World on the Edge of Abyss Jak and Lucium’s elite Immortals must race to uncover the mysteries of Aveum’s past, if there’s any hope of saving its future. Immortals of Aveum is developed by Ascendant Studios, an independent AAA team led by Bret Robbins, creative director of Dead Space™ and Call of Duty®, and published by EA Originals. *Conditions and Restrictions apply. See https://www.ea.com/games/immortals-of-aveum/immortals-of-aveum/disclaimers for details.


Возрастной ценз
For ages 17 and up
Графические возможности
Ray Tracing
Количество игроков
Single player
Количество кадров в секунду
60 fps+
Optimized for Xbox Series X|S
Поддержка 4К
4K Ultra HD
Присутствуют сцены
Blood Strong Language Violence
Дата релиза
Electronic Arts
Electronic Arts
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