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Smells Like a Mushroom

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Техническая поддержка
Parasitic mushrooms invaded from space, spreading all over the Milky Way. Since humans are long extinct and rule vegetables the Earth, it shouldn't really be YOUR problem anymore. Except that you've got to suspend your disbelief, because somehow you're the one who has to stop the invasion. Surprise! (We would help, but we're just a bunch of silly developers, who think Neptune is a water planet where the Kraken resides. Sorry!) Join the Aveggers aboard their space cruiser Soil -Trek and travel to planets throughout our solar system in order to obtain the long-lost human technology necessary to defeat the head mushroom honcho, Satanus Boletus, who's taken residence on the Sun. And to take off mushroom caps! It's not going to be easy, but as brave Carrotado, joined by General Despotato, scientists Nicola Siesta and Garlic Ailstein, you might just be able to do it. As long as you don't let your 'favorite' mother-in-lawn and the ever spiritual Holy Broccoli get in your head… The entire planet led by president Abraham Lincorn is counting on you! Don't let them down. I mean, what do you want – we didn't make this to win a BAFTA award for best writing. Love it, don't hate it? Potato, tomato. Key Features: - Single player with a colorful setting, a bizarre plot and silly characters - Platforming across diverse planets all over the solar system - Action shooter with diverse, upgradable weapons - Split-screen mode (co-op for two players, controller required) - Did we mention lots of pew pew? - Third-person perspective - Story-driven cutscenes - ... - Profit? - Pew pew? Try it out please, because we've got more ideas and would love to earn enough scrap on this to make more content!


Присутствие в Xbox
Варианты игры на одном экране
Общий или разделенный экран
Возможности локальной/сетевой игры
Локальная кооперативная игра в Xbox (2-2)
Возрастной ценз
Старше 16 лет
Достижения в Xbox
Количество игроков
Один игрок
Количество кадров в секунду
Более 60 кадров/с
Оптимизировано для Xbox Series X|S
Поддержка 4К
4K Ultra HD
Присутствуют сцены
Насилие Брань
Сохранение прогресса
Облачные сохранения в Xbox
Дата релиза
Fatal Error and Destructive Creations
Fatal Error and Destructive Creations
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