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24.10.2024Play epic singleplayer matches in three different game modes against computer controlled opponents and choose from six different maps or just hang out at the shooting range and hit some targets.
Choose from three different difficulties namely casual, intermediate and pro and from three different game modes, deathmatch where you fight against opponents and the player with the most kills wins the game, Elimination where the team wins with at least one player left wins the round and Gunrace where you get for each killstreak a new weapon and if you reach the 11th killstreak you win.
For playing the game you earn score and level up ranks which unlocks new weapons and skins. Each weapon has its own characteristics like damage, firing rate, recoil etc. In addition you get coins which you can spend in the shop for additional weapon skins or weapon attachments and modifications which can be used to customize your weapon how you like and customize their gunplay.
- Action-packed singleplayer first-person shooter versus bots
- Small shooting range to test the loadout
- Many different weapons to unlock and scope attachments, skins to customize your weapons
- Each weapon has different damage, feel of firing and other characteristics
- Different gamemodes, maps and difficulties
- Mouse/Stick sensitivity and ADS sensitivity can be adjusted in the settings
Возрастной ценз
Старше 18 лет
Количество игроков
Один игрок
Присутствуют сцены
Дата релиза
Benjamin Kistler
Benjamin Kistler
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